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St. Francis de Sales High School

 Class of 1965






Welcome to the St. Francis de Sales High School Class of 1965 website!


This website was created to keep the members of the class of ’65 informed of upcoming events (class reunions, etc.) and to help you reconnect with other classmates. 


The first thing you have to do is create your profile. You will need to do this in order to access any password protected pages on the site. All of the information you need for joining can be found by clicking on the “First Time Visitors” tab”. 


If you are having a problem getting into the site, click on Contact Us for help.


Hope you enjoy our website!


Janice Klosowski (Kurowski)






 St. Francis de Sales Pioneers Fight Song    


 We're the PIONEERS

And we'll sing you some cheers

And forever and ever we'll be...

We're the emblem of

The school we love

In our BLUE and our

GOLD uniforms,

'Neath that Gold and Blue

we'll be loyal to you

and for all for which it stands,

For school and all

Go get that ball

Keep on fightin' you PIONEERS!!!




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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
4 live in California
2 live in Colorado
7 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
33 live in Illinois
12 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
2 live in Wisconsin
73 location unknown